Organizing Tips for Your Home's...

VELUX Skylights March 22, 2018

We usually don't spend a lot of time in the small spaces of our home. Hallways and closets, for example, are used more for function. As a result, they tend to get overlooked when it comes to sprucing...

Are Smart Bathrooms the New Big...

VELUX Skylights March 22, 2018

In the last few years, smart technology has found a place in virtually every room of the home. And now it seems like bathrooms are the final piece of the smart home puzzle.

6 Bathroom Trends You Need to Know...

VELUX Skylights March 20, 2018

Let's be honest, it's probably about time to upgrade your bathroom. Often, we see our bathroom as more of a functional space than a design opportunity, so it tends to get left behind when we take on...

Keep Your Renovation Budget in...

VELUX Skylights March 14, 2018

Home renovation shows are exciting: with some tough love and a small army of contractors, a heroic host transforms a problem home beyond recognition in almost no time at all. While we all know what...

Turn Your Master Bedroom Into a...

VELUX Skylights February 23, 2018

Life can get a little crazy at times, and hectic schedules can keep us in high gear until late at night. Even when we're home, there's meals, chores, and activities to get through. That's why we all...

Breathe Life Into Your Open Plan...

VELUX Skylights February 22, 2018

From primitive fixed-glass openings to today's multifaceted designs, skylights have blossomed with technological advances and creative architectural progress. We all know skylights add more daylight...

17 Bathrooms Designed with...

VELUX Skylights February 19, 2018

We've mentioned earlier that the best way to create the feeling of a spa in your own home is by looking to your bathroom and bringing the outside in. And one of the most dramatic - yet relaxing -...

13 Bathroom Design Trends Making...

VELUX Skylights February 13, 2018

After watching all the design shows on TV, browsing Pinterest, and being inspired by renovations, we're pretty sure we know what bathroom design trends are going to dominate 2018.

HGTV's Biggest Color Trends of 2018

VELUX Skylights January 23, 2018

Get those paint brushes and rollers ready: HGTV's 2018 Colors of the Year have been announced! With a new year ahead of you, it's the perfect time to take note of what rooms need sprucing up. And...