3 Areas Of Growth In Home...

Kat Wiseman July 26, 2018

We probably don't have to tell you that home improvement spending is on the rise. In fact, you're likely already seeing the results of it in your own community!

Using Skylights For Ventilation

Kat Wiseman July 19, 2018

You've probably noticed: it's a scorcher of a summer out there this year!

Replacing A Bubble Skylight

Kat Wiseman June 27, 2018

Once upon a time in the 1980s, bubble skylights experienced a boom in popularity. While a novelty for the time, old bubble skylights are sorely outdated in today's roof window industry.

Building A Smart Home From Scratch

Kat Wiseman June 27, 2018

It's the way of the world: our computers, cars, and phones are smarter than ever before, and now, our homes are following suit. And as a contractor, it's up to you to keep up with the latest in smart...

How To Become A Skylight Specialist

Kat Wiseman June 7, 2018

Here at VELUX, we love selling skylights because we love providing consumers with daylight, fresh air, and all the benefits that come with both. And with the help of our Skylight Specialists, we can...

Why It Pays To Replace Skylights...

Kat Wiseman May 31, 2018

Back in the day, builders used to install skylights made of acrylic or plastic domes. Although popular at the time, we've come to learn that these products are better off being replaced with new...

Hate Skylights? Here's Why It's...

VELUX News July 31, 2017

Most in the building industry will tell you and their customers: "I love someone else's home." 

5 Home Renovations You’ll Want to...

Allyson Miller July 31, 2017

Take a look at the remarkable changes that these contractors did with VELUX skylights and see how easy it is for you to achieve the same.

The man, the myth, the father of...

Allyson Miller May 22, 2017

David Ogilvy.

How to Deliver a Show-Stopping...

Allyson Miller May 17, 2017

Have you ever wished you could peer inside the mind of extraordinarily successful roofers and find out exactly how they create such show-stopping projects?