Ventilation: How Your Home Breathes

VELUX Skylights February 24, 2021

Proper ventilation is what keeps the air in your home fresh and healthy. In other words, proper ventilation is what your home needs to breathe!

Are You Using the VELUX Visualizer...

VELUX Skylights February 19, 2021

With the new VELUX Visualizer App, it's easier than ever to reimagine any room in your home with natural light through skylights. Using your phone's built-in camera, this augmented reality (AR) app...

VELUX is the Home of...

VELUX Skylights February 17, 2021

At VELUX, we like to think of ourselves as more than just a skylight company. We want to make the world a better place by opening it up to more daylight and fresh air. That's why when it comes to our...

Here's Why You Should Love, Love,...

VELUX Skylights February 15, 2021

Because of how skylights used to be made, there are a lot of misconceptions about them that persist to this day. And although today's skylights are built better and smarter than ever, there are still...

When to Schedule an Appointment...

VELUX Skylights February 10, 2021

Recently, we introduced free consultations with VELUX experts for homeowners. Lasting roughly 30 minutes, these consultations are 100% virtual and help homeowners learn more about skylight...

Is the Air in your Home Clean?

VELUX Skylights February 8, 2021

It's easy to tell when you need to vacuum or dust around the house, but how do you know if your home's air is clean? The scary thing is, you probably can't tell from just a glance around the room.

Blast From the Past: Home Decor...

VELUX Skylights January 29, 2021

Looking back, the early 2000s may not feel like they were that long ago. But when we look at how our home design and decor trends have evolved, it becomes much more evident how far we've come.

Look Up for a Brighter 2021

VELUX Skylights January 8, 2021

2020 was definitely a year for the history book!  And as we look forward to 2021, many of us are hoping for a brighter year than the one we've just left behind. Well, believe it or not, literally ...

Natural Light Benefits in Small...

VELUX Skylights December 18, 2020

Between pulling out holiday decorations and hiding presents from Santa, you may have noticed something missing from your closets, attic, and storage spaces: natural light!

A Skylight for Every Ceiling

VELUX Skylights November 20, 2020

Have you ever thought about installing a skylight, then looked up at your ceiling and thought that there's just no way? You're not alone! One of the most common misconceptions about skylights is that...