Incorporating Fresh Air Throughout...

VELUX Skylights July 12, 2024

There's something about fresh air that just makes it feel nicer than the air that recycles through our homes. And since a lot of us have been spending more time inside lately, that bit of fresh air...

Open Your Kitchen to the Sky

VELUX Skylights July 2, 2024

Some of our best memories come from time spent in the kitchen: baking cookies with Grandma and learning all of her old recipes, making a mess with the kids on their science fair projects and rainy...

How to Decorate Your Kitchen with...

VELUX Skylights May 13, 2024

Throughout human history, at least some aspect of cooking has involved the outdoors. And if there's one thing we've learned from years of outdoor kitchens, indoor kitchens, and everything in-between...

What You Need to Know About...

VELUX Skylights April 26, 2024

Do you know when the best time to replace your skylights is?

This Earth Day, Pledge to Live...

VELUX Skylights April 22, 2024

Happy Earth Day!

10 Household Objects Polluting...

VELUX Skylights March 18, 2024

When it comes to the air we breathe, we have a tendency to focus on the dangerous particles in the outdoor air: smog, car exhaust, and industrial fumes are all air pollutants to be concerned about....

Tis the Season: Skylights in the...

VELUX Skylights January 17, 2024

We're officially halfway through winter, but the cold isn't letting up anytime soon. And with winter storms popping up all over, snow and skylights are the hot topics (so to speak) of the day!

How to Feng Shui Around Your New...

VELUX Skylights January 8, 2024

You've made your decision: new year, new you, new skylights!

Skylights & Snow: What You Need to...

VELUX Skylights January 1, 2024

This season's winter storms have been no joke. From the Midwest, across the South, and up the Northeast coast, much of the country is experiencing more ice and snow than in recent winters. And, as...

Staying Healthy During the Holiday...

VELUX Skylights December 14, 2023

In between the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays staying healthy both physically and mentally can prove to be quite the challenge. With the drop in temperature and early onset darkness that seems...