How carbon-conscious are you: Can you identify which of these activities emits the most carbon? Test your "Green" knowledge with the quiz below — some of the answers may surprise you!
Put Your Carbon Consciousness to the Test
We'll start with the questions and answers, then get to the grading in the next section:
- Which is the greener way to listen to music?
- Downloading it
- Streaming it
- Does money in a big bank contribute to CO2 emissions?
- Yes
- No
- On average, how many trees are cut down a year for junk mail in the US?
- 100 million trees
- 500,000 trees
- Which food is responsible for more carbon emissions?
- Cranberries
- Beef
- Which is more impactful on carbon emissions?
- 3 US cross-country flights
- Having a child
- Which is the most energy-efficient way to refresh the air in your entire house?
- Turning on the AC
- A whole house fan
- Venting skylights
What's Your Green Score?
Give yourself a point for each one you get right!
Which is the greener way to listen to music?
Downloading it. A new study suggests that the amount of greenhouse gas used to stream music is higher than that used to download it. The results of the study estimate that music consumption in the 2000s (mostly downloads) resulted in the emission of approximately 157 million kilograms of greenhouse gas (GHG) equivalents. Now, the amount of GHGs generated by the energy needed to transmit music for streaming is estimated to be between 200 and 350 million kilograms.
Does money in a big bank contribute to CO2 emissions?
Yes. Big banks account for 30% of all fossil fuel funding. And despite warnings about the effects of fossil fuels on climate change, bank financing for 100 companies that are aggressively planning new coal, oil, and gas extraction and infrastructure increased 40% from 2018 to 2019.
On average, how many trees are cut down a year for junk mail?
100 million. According to the Center for Development of Recycling at San Jose State University, American adults receive an average of 41 pounds of junk mail a year. That means about 80 million to 100 million trees are cut down each year — just for junk mail.
Which food is responsible for more carbon emissions?
Beef. Producing one pound of conventionally raised beef releases 26 pounds in carbon emissions. Agriculture is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, so the way we produce and consume food is inextricably connected to our changing climate.
Which is more impactful on carbon emissions?
Having a child. Although flying isn't great for carbon emissions, having a child is ultimately more impactful on the climate. If US families opted to have one fewer child, it would be the equivalent of 684 teenagers committing to recycling for the rest of their lives.
Which is the most energy-efficient way to refresh the air in your entire house?
Venting skylights. Strategically placed venting skylights can help refresh the air in your entire house simply by opening them a few times a day. This can help you run the air conditioning less and save a little more on your utility bills. And with solar-powered options and automated climate control systems, skylights are more energy-efficient than ever.
So, how'd you score? Do the answers have you considering any lifestyle changes, like Meatless Mondays, switching up banks, or adding skylights? We can help with one of those! Schedule a free virtual consultation to learn how you can green-ify your home with skylights.
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