VELUX USA Blog for professionals

Profitable Opportunities With Skylights: Replacement Skylights

Written by Kat Wiseman | August 09, 2019

Welcome back to another installment of Profitable Opportunities with Skylights!

Recently, we talked about how you can increase your profits by creating a room in the roof of the homes you build or remodel. Today, we're here to talk about replacing existing skylights that have started leaking, gotten dingy, or just plain look old and outdated.

Skylight Replacement

Let's face it: those old plastic bubble skylights have had their time in the sun, but today there are many better options available. The VELUX Fixed Skylight (curb-mounted version) fits perfectly where a bubble skylight used to be, but offers even more light and sky views than its predecessor. You could also up the ante and install one of our venting skylights to offer fresh air in addition to more daylight in the homes you work on.

Replacing old bubble skylights with new VELUX ones is a great way to increase your profits, as well as job quality. And here are three ways how:

  1. Fast installation with products that add value. The average 2'x4' curb-mounted skylight replacement generally takes less than 30 minutes.
  2. Why leave a 5-year skylight on a 20-year roof? Dingy skylights that will start to leak after a few years discredit the quality of your work. VELUX glass skylights are more durable, more energy efficient, and more visually appealing than plastic bubbles.
  3. Provide your customers with a clear view to the outside without excessive heat gain. The VELUX Fixed Skylight is not only impact resistant, it's built to stand the test of time and not deteriorate. Compared to plastic bubbles, it can save your homeowners up to $200 in cooling costs in just one year, a savings they're sure to appreciate.


Want to learn more about the ins and outs of replacing plastic bubble skylights with VELUX skylights? Check out this example of a bubble skylight replacement done by Mike Townsend in Charlotte, NC.