Painting Your Bonus Room in Light

Read Time 2 mins | Written by: VELUX Skylights


We've all heard that natural light is the best light to have in your home. This is because natural light provides a clean, white light that casts few shadows, unlike artificial lights that emit a yellow or blue tint.

So, when it comes to your bonus room, the best option is to paint it in large swaths of natural light.

Whether your bonus room is set up as a homework space, a game room, a man cave, or an art studio, it and your family can seriously benefit from added daylight. Here's how:


Vitamin D Storage

We need Vitamin D to keep our bones strong and to help prevent certain cancers, heart disease, depression, and weight gain. Often though, we can't relax in natural light to get the Vitamin D our bodies need. So, when you can't go out, bring light in!


Higher Productivity

Feel like your dragging in the morning or like you're useless at work after 3:00 p.m.? Can't seem to get those last chores around the house done? Believe it or not, this is your body letting you know it needs more natural light. Studies have shown that the more we work in natural light, the higher energy levels we have compared to artificial light.


Sounder Sleep

Nothing feels quite like waking up from a restful night's sleep. It makes you feel as if you're instantly ready to take on the day without coffee or a yawn in sight. Natural light can help you get there! Sunlight is an environmental indicator that helps set the phases of our body's natural sleep cycle.


Improved Vision

Our eyes are constantly straining to look at computer screens, phones, and even in harsh artificial light. Natural light helps us to see clearly without added eye strain. It also helps eye development in children and young adults.


At VELUX, we believe in selling daylight and fresh air because we believe in the restorative and transformative powers of natural light. It can enrich your health and well-being and bring a whole lot of positivity.


And the best way to bring more light into your bonus room is by adding a skylight! Skylights allow in more light than traditional windows without hindering your family's privacy. You can learn more about skylight installation by visiting


VELUX Skylight Systems

Reimagine Your Home With Natural Light and Fresh Air

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